Effects of menstrual characteristics, symptoms and hygiene-related practices on menstrual experience: a comparative study between freeholder and tenant adolescent schoolgirls of north 24 parganas, west bengal, india

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Anthropologischer Anzeiger


Adolescence is a significant event in woman’s life when the process of menstruation occurs with several physi-cal, mental and physiological developments. Menstrual experience of women is largely determined by environmental factors occurring during this period. In India, disparities in numerous factors result in different menstrual characteristics, menstruation-related symptoms and menstrual hygiene-related practices. However, the effect of residential status on the menstrual characteristics of adolescent girls is still unknown. In this context, the present study attempted to explore the variation in overall socio-economic condition and menstrual experience of tenant adolescent girls in comparison to freeholder adolescent girls. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 167 freeholder and 133 tenant adolescent schoolgirls on socio-economic and menstrual characteristics, menstruation-related symptoms and menstrual hygiene-related practices. Results showed that differences existed for these traits between freeholder and tenant adoles-cents. The key factors behind unsatisfied menstrual experience of tenant adolescent girls were lack of privacy, unsuitable sanitation facilities and use of cloth as preferred absorbent.

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