State and Tribal Land Alienation in Jharkhand: Following Colonial Footprints?
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Title
Tribe, Space and Mobilisation: Colonial Dynamics and Post-Colonial Dilemma in Tribal Studies
Land alienation and dispossession issues in the scheduled states are a part of critical discourse in India since Independence. There are various protective legislations and land laws passed to protect the interest of these tribal communities during colonial rule, carried forward by various state governments and central government with or without some extent of amendments in the post-colonial period. This paper studies land alienation issues in Jharkhand right from colonial period and analyses whether the phenomenon could be looked as colonial legacy in independent India.
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Recommended Citation
Sinha, Ashish Aman; Behera, Hari Charan; and Behura, Ajit Kumar, "State and Tribal Land Alienation in Jharkhand: Following Colonial Footprints?" (2022). Book Chapters. 134.