Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name



Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Delhi)


Parthasarthy, K. R. (TSMU-Delhi; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

This theale maindy desie with conbinatoriel aspocte of diayonale of natelees. or enurne, there are aleo eosulte which are nat sunbinatorial in naturos but thase ara neroly by-producta. Chapter-0 gives e very short nary ot the cnntenta of the theete. The raeulte aro ofr tuo kinde. (1) complately rev and (2) old results through rew rethude.Thịa thasle, wholly or pertly, has not baon subnittad to any othor Univerdity or Inatitute for e degree.I exprees hoceby ry doopost sonse of grotitude to br. KA. PARTHASARATHY, Haed of the Doparteant af Mathemties, Indian Inatituta of Tochmlogy, Redras, under uhana bonign guidance thie work uon comploted, for his oncouragamant and sll posestble help.Or. K.N. VENKATARinan, Hoed of tho Depertmont of Statieticn, Undvereity of Madran, has boen e conetant scurce of enecurnganant, ahouing a poreonel intoruet in ra. ! thank hin uholehonztadly.Rav. Tr. KURIHKOSE, Principal, Loynie Collage, Madron had an affectionate bid fatherly intwrest in y resoezeh work. i teke this opportunity to thenk hin profuealy ror hie kindnoes and geruina Intereat.Lestly I thenk Mr. B. MHALINGAN, Dupartaont of Statlation, Unsvoraity of Marte es, for hie excellunt typirg and Me.M. BULASURANANI An Departnent of Statietien, univerity of Madras, for hia sble anietanee In eyelostyling the thesis


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