Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Computer Science


Research and Training School (RTS)


Rao, C. Radhakrishna (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The racial compositi on of the people of India 1s atill a riddle and one which isg etting increasingly difficult to eolve as over a period of time it han been fast chnnging due to absorption of mrious pepulntions into the Hindu onste- fold ant the finsion and funion within the casto syaten na n product of occupntionnl or cultural chnnge in the wny of life. Admixture over a long peri od of time bas produc ed a wide diversity in norphology (ns well as skin colour) ef Indinn people. The wavas of migrations of people from the Eu rasian stoppés into Im1a through its most poseible route of, lenst resiatance, through the passen in the mountaina of North Wostern Indin (Afganiathnn) and the ultimnte nbeorption and adaixture with the local population or populntions who had preceded them earlier, produced this diversi ty. Thera WRa in addition infilteration of Mongeloids from the North- east though of nuch snaller volume. The caute groups though hoterogeneous in morphology al skin colour g enerally ta the Buropoid or Cnuorsnid type whereas the most primitive el em ent in India is confine? tn the trihal populatione of Central and South IndiR who have to n large extent kept th emselves out of the Hin lu castefold. But even they nre gradually adopting the Hindu woy of life by the Inrge senle migrations of these canto groups into tho isolntel tribnl areaa due to populnti on presmure and the nexl to bring more land under tribe na tke dofinition implien hnn n tiset erri tory, n acif-contninol aubaintinen aonony nn erieimlly a politienl sanecdattn obeyine to tho Nlre ef elm onny (Vober, 195el. However not nla tri ben vere polstienl aansaintiona 1uke he anre of prenctan, Iolme, Ha1 Hedtin, Konyak Tron ant rery othera, The anate groupe, howerer, la not bave a faxut territery ad the wy of livine in fimiy linket vith the type af anste i they tre foret y ruraly an at nn! cocupntianal nenocntion prncti năr ntrictiy the rulen of entogrny, The Tature of formstian of tribal nd ta therefore preolute the rosistsaoe to atoorptton into thn oantefolt eat hare thas over eonturies of szvnadan by foredan elemente kare retainel the norpielodenl tyno at terri tortet nrena to a erost ertent. The e nnte empe vi their more aphtstsentet fam of ri eal tere nna Srd menta vere nhle ta oultivnte the vallega conntating of benry fertila mniin whdch protuee! nundan nt ompnnttvely prospert ty whteh in ters inerennel their populntion, The tribnis, wha wvere sanlntor ant uzchintins, retniao prini tire y of 11fe lirtne en the hills nrenn virti wee *thedr foot azen', by fool otherine n huntin, r o, ronning a otep forther inte akiftia; nerioulture ty cutting forent en gentln alopun, Tikina tie notl vith n veuden hue mna brontenating rall nallete ai palaun. Thg vere geroely mgteart ovur Latge areun which nra uesanry for this ote of living adthia not crently inerone thair populatton, wheroaa the more soyhiatisotot ei- alturinta in the milega t plaina rupresantet ty tie Binpot4 grop Inezeanet in popalettor tun te surplan.


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