Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Kolkata)


Pal, M. N.

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The main objective of this study has been estimation of model formulations, empirical evaluations and statistical analyses for identifying the existing regional patterns and structures of human resource development in the formative phase of human life-span through education, and the utilisation, or other- wise non-utilisation, during the activity phase of life-span in existing productive and related activities of our labour-abundant developing economy of India. Despite some awareness to the problems of development and balanced-utilisations of human resources into activities and also despite the various follow- up planning efforts undertaken, or stated to be undertaken, as reported in different Five-Year Plan and related documents of Indian national government in post-independent era, no positive results are yet in sight towards some significant reduction at least, if not the complete elimination, of the problems. In fact, the problems are so deep-rooted, with their diverse mani- festations in different geographical areas of our large country, that any centralised decision-making towards solution could not visyalise proper follow-up action programes needed at regional levels to sort out micro-level intricacies or complexitios present in this connection.It is to be emphasized also that the relevant data- base has baon yet very scanty for any reasonable kind of decentralised regional evaluations of the existing patterns and structures needed in this regard for a proper understanding of micro-level situations. However, in our labour- abundant economy with ever-increasing population growth, the growing human labour stock is becoming more and more liabilities than assets in national economy. Thus it is felt that some sort of exploratory research investigations must start in this connection for at least an evaluation of the existing regional patterns and structures and also a alagnosis of the varying intensities of the problems as they in di£fe- rent geographical areas, so that we are in a position to clarify our visions toward s the dimensions of tasks ahead for attempting for the much desired solution of the problems rala- ted to human resource development and utilisation. With the motivation, the present piece of statistical investigation is undertaken on the analyses of spatial variations by districts of Indie. This is to be carried out in the following impor- tant aspects of shortfalls in human resource development and utilisation.(i)Identification of spatial patterns and their changes in the decade: 1960-61 to 1970-71, for different intensities of shortfalls (or gapa) towards reaching the objective of full education for all boys (scope of present study limited to boys only) in the over- all formative phase (5 to 18+ years of age) of basie skill-development through education, with breakdowns in the three education phases, I : Primary, II : Middle and III : High + Higher Secondary. Here it is proposed to identify the gaps, by the three formative phases, for both time-points 1960-61 and 1970-71, through detailed comparative analyses between the age distribution of total malo population for almost entire life-span and the age distribution of school- attending boys within the period of formative phase for each of the smallest possible areal units of observation proposed in our study, if possible directly, otherwise indirectly through statistically consistent procedures.


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