Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Research and Training School (RTS)


Roy, Jogabrata (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The main objective of this thesia is to diascover patterns of variation botwoen geographácal regions and socio- religious groups in the Indian sub-continant in respect of the distribution of ABO ganea controlling the O-A-B-AB blood group syston through a comprehensive, unified statistical analysia of all the relevant data avallable táll 1977.The posaibility of uning the 0-A-B-AB blood groupe as a marker for population genctic studias was first discovereda by Dr. and Mra, Hirachteld in 1919. The data collected by tham from amy personnel bolonging to various populatian groupa ahowed clear-cut di frerences and ganerated a lot of interost emong anthropologista, Initially deta were obtained from blood- trans fuaion cantrea, but, in course of timc, anthropologioal blood-group stuadies becone;less and less a series of aceidental off-shoots of blood transfusion work and nore and nore a planed and integratada inveatigation (Mourant, 1961).Though Wrkght (1931, 1940) nad earller regarded the ABO genes as nelectively neutral, and later a nunber of studiea established their associationa with several diseases (Mourant, Kopec and Donaniewaka-sobczak, 197a), ;a atudy of populoti ons with a known hiatory suggests that over periods as lang as 1000 or 2000 yeare we can onsuma that gene frequencies have romainod sufficiently near constancy for us to be able to use then for purposes of elasaification and in tracing relationshipe between populationa (Mourant, 1959).A large nunber of atudies have buen conducted in asfferent parta of the world (eeo Mourant, Kopac and Domaniewska- Sobczak, 1976, tor a recent compilation), 1n which the 0-A-B-AB blood groupe have been utilized for finding sinilarities and diasinilarities anong population groups, and for tracing local pepuletion movementa, ete. Although a large nunber of blood- group investigations have boen earriod out in the Indian eub- continent sinoe 1919, znd a vast volume of data have been collactod. barring a recont study by Balakrishnan (197e), there has hardly beon any ermprehensive statiatical analysia of the data, This thesis ie an attanpt to fill thản gap. 1.2 The atrusture of the thesis The thesla has been organiaed in eight chapters, a list of references and an appendix, In the first chapter a general introduction to and a aurmory of the theois has been given.A short review of the blood-group studies carried out in the Indian sub-continent till 1977 has been given in the second chapter. In the third chapter the dota - an identification code, maximan 1ikelihood estimates of ABO gene frequencies and results of atatistical tests for confomity with Hardy- Meinberg randomenating hypothesis for each of 899 dota aota - have been presanted, In chapter four, the statistical procedurca used in this analyais have bon described. In the fifth chapter, a preliminnry analysis of the data has boon attempted, using graphical representations and chi-square testa to assess the nagnitudes of variation betwaan and within geographical zones and socio-religioue categories. In cha ptor aix, the technique of single-linkago cluster analysis has been wused to form ;rational homogeneous clustersout ot these deta sots, uhich hava then been grouped into atatistically honoganaous 'superclunters.


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